If you’re overweight and struggle to make lasting progress, consider individualized weight loss. At Sierra Nevada Wellness Center, the skilled team of family practice physicians offers individualized medical weight loss treatments. These custom care plans provide a long-term weight loss solution, using a combination of healthy lifestyle changes, supplementation, and in-office treatments. To schedule an appointment at the Sparks, Nevada, office, call or book online today.
request an appointmentWhat is individualized weight loss?
Individualized weight loss provides an all-natural, holistic way to shed excess pounds. If you’re overweight, you’re also more likely to experience serious health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Individualized weight loss minimizes the risk of these and other issues by encouraging good nutrition, regular exercise, and other healthy lifestyle changes.
If you’re unhappy with your current weight and traditional measures like diet and exercise don’t make a significant difference, contact the team at Sierra Nevada Wellness Center.
What does individualized weight loss involve?
The team at Sierra Nevada Wellness Center tailors medical weight loss treatment to each individual’s needs. Following a review of your medical history and a comprehensive physical, they might recommend:
Injection Therapy Weight Loss
Semaglutide is a medication that provides powerful weight loss benefits.
Our Semaglutide Weight Loss Program is not just about medication. We provide premium, personalized support tailored to your unique health conditions. With our highly trained clinicians, we ensure that each patient has a unique plan. Semaglutide is an injectable drug that can assist individuals to facilitate weight loss when used in conjunction with a whole-food nutrition plan, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Our team is committed to assisting patients with a healthier quality of life by achieving their weight loss goals.
What is included in the initial consultation?
A 30-minute initial consultation will include intake, clearance, lab order, and a food journal. A $199 consultation fee will be due at the time of service.
What does the SNWC Semaglutide program entail?
If our Semaglutide program is right for you, a nutrition plan, measurements, and exercise plan will be discussed. Program plans and results are intended to be individualized to meet the specific needs of every patient. The plan also includes recommendations for foundational supplements to support your health. The starting program cost is $397 a month which includes your weekly Semaglutide injections and monthly consultation with your provider. Prices may vary based on each individual treatment plan and cost of medications.
Laser-like liposuction
If you’re at or around your ideal weight, and you want to eradicate pockets of fat around your abdomen, thighs, or love-handles, the team might recommend laser-like liposuction. This quick, outpatient procedure uses targeted energy to identify and destroy fat cells resistant to diet and exercise.
Laser-like liposuction isn’t a weight loss solution, per se. Instead, it provides a non-invasive way to fit more comfortably into your favorite outfits.
Nutritional counseling
The foods and beverages that you consume directly affect your energy levels and weight. The team at Sierra Nevada Wellness Center can develop a personalized nutrition plan that incorporates fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, and lean proteins into your daily meals.
When combined with exercise and routine check-ups, nutritional counseling can help you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.
Vitamins, nutraceuticals, and nutritional supplements are all-natural products that assist your body’s natural functions. A variety of supplements can boost your energy levels, increase your metabolism, or suppress your appetite.
The supplementation type that will benefit you most depends on your age, goals, and medical history.
Liver cleansing
A liver cleanse removes toxins from your body and encourages natural weight loss. Typically, it involves a juice fast, combined with a pared-down diet and nutritional supplementation. By eliminating harmful substances from your body, it’s possible to reset your metabolism.
Can I benefit from an individualized weight loss plan?
Anyone who is overweight or obese can benefit from individualized weight loss. That’s especially true if your weight affects your health or quality of life.
To learn more about the individualized weight loss programs at Sierra Nevada Wellness Center, attend a Tuesday night seminar. During this weekly presentation, you’ll learn about the team’s approach to weight loss and how taking action now can help you shed pounds once and for all.
Sierra Nevada Wellness Center has made some additions to the weight loss program producing results even better than before. Not only are we incorporating our traditional Laser-like Lipo and evaluations, but we also now offer healthy supplementation to boost efforts and help with digestive regulation, body wraps, dietary guidance, and our program even helps fight against candida overgrowth.
Once the program is complete, we offer maintenance programs and follow-ups to make sure once the weight is gone, it stays off! If your concern is not weight loss, our program is also helping a wide range of health concerns such as hypertension, pain, thyroid levels, hormones, type II diabetes, anxiety, energy levels, mood, etc. Centered around helping individuals achieve a healthy lifestyle, this weight loss program is designed to be noninvasive and a better approach to weight loss than cool sculpting and liposuction.
In only a matter of weeks, you’ll gradually notice your body responding to each aspect of the program. Weight loss has always been a top priority to Dr. Joseph Johnson, and he has now found the perfect solution to safe, healthy, and efficient weight loss for a variety of body types!
Top 5 Weight Loss Winners:
~DK: 84lbs, 5 months
~GN: 51.0lbs, 2 months
~AA: 37.0lbs, 3 months
~TM: 28.2lbs, 1.2 months
~LY: 27.4lbs, 1.2 months
Call our office to sign up for our FREE weight loss seminar to learn more about what this program has to offer!